Should I take on the role of the executor?
Have you been asked my siblings or relatives to be an executor?
It may be a display of trust towards you to ask you to be an executor. However, always think twice. This may come back to bite you many decades down the road.
As an executor, the role is onerous and layered with significant potential liabilities which you may not think much of it right now.
Do you know that if you do not completely perform your duties in a fair manner or take the necessary steps to protect yourself and keep proper documentation, the costs can even wipe out a person’s entire life savings in his lifetime?
It is always wiser to seek professional help which we will strongly encourage and advise. It is better to pay someone who is the expert to do the job than to save that couple of thousand dollars, to end up with a big hole in your own pocket.
How do you transfer the role of the executor to a 3rd party so that you transfer that risk?
Speak to us and we can find ways to value add. On top of that, the money used can be wisely planned to multiply the wealth even more over time.