- March 8, 2018October 14, 2019
- by shaunpoh

Business Planning
You have created a successful business. How do you then ensure that it continues to thrive? We design ways to protect what you have built and continue your onward expansion through conversations such as business succession, protecting your keyman and ensuring that you have a funded buy-sell agreement between partners.

Insurance Planning
This is the biggest shield of financial planning in case something unexpected and untimely happens. We can grow our wealth at all costs, but if this piece is not set up, all your hard earn savings will go down the drain.

Risk Management
Have you identified the hidden risks involved in your asset structures? When clients invest, they tend to look at the upside potential but hardly notice the downside risks. Careful planning helps protect you from unnecessary risks.

Legacy Planning or Philanthropic Giving
Affluent families want to leave behind a meaningful legacy but yet do not want to ruin the lives of your children by giving too much. We provide valuable insights to help you realize your vision. What kind of legacy would you want to leave behind that can be meaningful and lasting?

Probate or Administration Planning
Death within the family creates emotionally loss and many steps need to be taken post death. To turn to a trusted source who can help get the grant of probate and or letter of administration with a reasonable cost helps the family to cope well.

Investment Planning
We often are blinded by the emotions of greed and fear which cause us to make irrational decisions. To help you be confident about your investment planning, we regularly conduct sessions to educate you and work through challenging times with you.

Estate Planning with Financial Planning
Estate Planning is a delicate process of planning for the transference of wealth from one generation to another with proper financial planning considerations. Since you have worked hard to build it up, you should also protect and preserve the assets with minimal costs, confusion and conflicts.

Debt Management
Debts are almost a part of life. This can affect your cashflow and create pressure subtlely, playing an important part in planning for your financial goals and objectives. Is there a good or a bad loan? We help you to address the questions you have with regards to your loan.

Special Needs Planning
Caring for a special needs family member can be challenging. You would want to ensure that the same standard of living and care continues throughout, even long after the care-giver is no longer able to.

Retirement Planning
The biggest problems are the fact that you do not know when your expiry date will be, when you will fall sick and how much extra medical costs is incurred, whilst dealing with a real effect of inflation.