Gabriel Fok

I grew up in a traditional family where the value of money was instilled in me since young. Money was something that you worked for and preserved through prudence.
My entry into this profession was inspired by the freedom of time that I get and yet financially I would be able to achieve significantly more than what I earned if I was not self-employed. The continuity and magnitude of growth in this industry is also limitless and exponential.
The thing that excites me most about what I do is the implementation of what I learn over the years, helping people discover blind spots of their own financial planning and from there enable them to make a difference to their personal goals.
In my free time, I spend it most with my wife and son. The company of family is always the heartiest of times spent. In my course of discussions with clients, I have learnt an important thing. Many things that we plan for, mostly revolves around our family and to ensure the family would be at peace. I am no different, my own personal planning objectives always has the family at its core.
Therefore, I hope to continue to inspire and educate others to achieve a balance in their lives when it comes to money. As we work for money, we should also allow money to work for us.