Tax optimization for doctor and high-income earners
As a doctor or a high-income earner, you eventually will reach the point of paying quite a lot of tax. The way you plan your investments will have an impact on you for your own personal financial planning.
Did you know that there is tax implications in the following areas.
Many people buy ETFs with the main intent of lowering their cost. However, when you are holding onto ETFs, you can potentially attract fairly high tax implications. And some can even be as high as almost 30%. On top of that, there can be low cost option funds that might be even lower than the cost of your ETFs which we do provide as an alternative.
Foreign shares
Holding foreign shares also attracts estate duties which can go up to as high as 40% or more in certain countries. One of the common markets where people buy shares is in the US. They adopt a buy and hold strategy. If a person had built a retirement plan through owning US shares, he will easily have built it to almost a million or more down the road. However, if a person suddenly passes on, the estate will be liable for a very expensive estate tax to the US as a non resident. And we all know that US has one of the highest estate tax in the world.
Singapore Property
As doctors, with high income ability, there is an attraction to purchase property in a country we are familiar with in Singapore. However, there are various huge tax obligations such as ABSD (Additional Buyer Stamp duties), SSD (Seller Stamp Duties), property tax and income tax. The portion that most doctors ignore is the part where you are taxed heavily based on your income. Given that the yield and income from property is already so low, having to pay an additional tax at 22% every year just makes it very unappealing as an investment option. However, most doctors and high income earners might not even be aware of this fact, or they are too busy being the expert in their field.
We specialize in working with doctors, wealthy families and high-income earners find investment options that can help you achieve the same results or better with little or no tax implications. That is where our expertise comes into play over here to value add. Can you imagine saving hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars eventually? Wouldn’t that help if you just spent 20mins of your time for an initial conversation with the expert?
Connect with us for an initial chat just to see if there is a fit.