Why should doctors invest differently?
As a doctor, you definitely have a great future ahead of you and will continue to be able to excel if you plan well and efficiently. Why should you invest differently from other people in general? Here are some pointers you need to take note of as it is often neglected by doctors.
Tax implications
You will probably end up hitting the highest tax bracket earlier than most professions. It also means that you will end up paying the highest tax bracket. Due to that, you need to try to ensure you pay fair income tax.
For an asset class like property, adding extra income to yourself through rental means that you will pay additional income tax at the highest tax bracket, over and above all the other maintenance costs incurred!
For an asset class of stocks and equities in other countries, you will subject yourself to additional tax which can be as high as 50% in some countries. If a person continues to hold on to that asset class, your family members will need to pay for inheritance tax when there is that wealth transfer eventually.
You make more money focusing on your practice than trying to time the stock market
Since you are able to earn a decent income, you will automatically be curious to find out how you can let your money work harder. As a retail investor, you tend to try to find a way to buy the right company, at the right time and sell it off at a profit and constantly find new opportunities. However, after a period of trying, you realize that it can be very tiring to keep chasing the next deal as not all opportunities work out well. You would be better off spending time focused on your patients and improving your skill to be able to earn more.
Emotional roller coaster
When you try to invest on your own, you tend to have to make decisions of whether to buy, hold or sell. As the markets can get volatile from time to time, you might get emotionally charged up just before a surgery or seeing a patient. You get distracted from your core work as a doctor and usually is not helpful in making decisions in your work. On top of that, when you are making decisions for your investments, being emotionally charged through greed and fear causes you to make multiple mistakes.
Taking an extreme caution towards your career choice and finances
Most doctors did not really choose their profession. They usually are smart and have good grades. The selection to be a doctor is usually a natural choice by default. Anyway, it is prestigious and not everyone could get into medical school. Due to that reason, most doctors are very careful and not too adventurous in nature, especially when it comes to their finances.. But if they were smart to tweak their asset allocation just by a little bit, on their overall portfolio, they would have gotten very different results over the next 20+ years, very often even double or triple the difference, if they are patient enough.
In short, we understand how doctors think and want to partner you to achieve your personalized dreams and goals in life. Through our 16 years of experience, we are able to value add to you so that you get back more time for yourself, minimize your taxes in investing, reduce your risks significantly while multiplying your net-worth. After all, isn’t that what you want, for a better lifestyle for yourself and family?