Do you know the cost of delay?
Have you thought of letting your money work harder for you? Many people wished they had let their money work harder earlier but never got round to doing it due to the many distractions in life and the distractions will keep coming at you constantly if you do not keep a disciplined approach to start.
So how much does it really impact you as an individual?
Let us imagine 2 persons who are of the same age wanted to have the money available 25 years down the road, with an assumption of annualized returns of 7%pa.
Person A starts investing $1,000 a month for 25years, he would have achieved a projected $758,000.
Person B delays that by 2 years.
So person B starts investing $1,000 a month for 23years, he would have achieved a projected $641,000.
That difference of 2 years of delay would have cost him $117,000 which can be the equivalent to a downpayment of a HDB house! Can you imagine the significant difference over 30-40 years?
Should you not plan early so that you can ensure continued success without the need to worry in the future? Every paycheck counts!