What is the actual cost to stock picking?
When you read the financial media, there is a always an opinion from an economist to tell us, “This is the right time to sell. This is the right time to buy.” I bought into all that junk more than 10 years ago, thinking I was able to time the market. So almost on a daily basis, whenever somebody forecasted a particular direction, there is a huge temptation to do something to my own portfolio.
And it would have been increased trepidation when it was a stock or industry that I held that was being affected. Yes, I have to admit it was pretty exciting to see that you can make a quick buck over a short period of time, especially when I got it right. However, as the amount of stock portfolio grew, the emotions of fear and greed became more real as more is at stake. Which is why I only invested what I could afford to lose back then. (This is a bad strategy for wealth accumulation because the total asset allocation is usually tilted towards too much of cash or fixed deposits.)
When I was holding on to a stock that had gained 20% in value over a relatively short period, there is a strong temptation to sell out even though I know that the company will continue to grow and the fundamentals are there. Alas, when I decided to sell it, missing my appropriate price for a few days, the stock continued to soar by another 20%! Oh, I missed the boat, I would have thought to myself and would kick myself in the butt for selling it too early.
When markets turned topsy turvy during the financial crisis in 2008, all logic of buying in during the dips went out of the window, even though the company’s fundamentals are still strong. This is especially so when the crisis lasts for a few years. How many investors have the patience and tenacity to hold out the losses for 3-5 years and stick to their guns with all the bad news going on all around them, especially when media says this time is different. If you ever told any family member or friend close to you during that period, they would have all advised you to stay out of the markets in those very uncertain periods, for your benefit of not needing to lose sleep and money.
If a person had invested in during the period from 1990-2020 for a period of 31 years, into a well-diversified portfolio with equities and bonds in it across the world with almost 10,000 companies, you would easily have grown that same portfolio by 700-900% in value, depending on your risk appetite! Now, how many investors would have been patient enough to be able to capture that kind of gain? Hardly, because most investors (my past self included), would have had itchy fingers to try to put fingers into the pie to either sell out too early or attempted to time the market which we all know from history that it is something very difficult to do.
It is not just the financial cost of not seeing the long term gain in the markets, but the mental anguish, anxiety and emotional stress you go through regularly to find out whether the company can actually survive the next storm. Reading the newspapers and watching the TV can in fact create more stress due to that reason because all the financial media is doing is to force us to take some form of action and that split second decision actually creates mental stress on ourselves. And from history, many companies used to survive and thrive for many decades. In today’s context, the life span of listed companies is getting shorter, so do you want to continue to take that risk with your big goals like retirement which can span for 20-30 years?
So is there a different strategy that we can help you take? I have changed my strategy over the course of time and understand that human behaviour is a bigger component of investing successfully. And that has led me to save time, reduce anxiety and led to more financial wealth as well with a worry free retirement.
Would you like to explore an initial conversation together with no pressures to make any decision but to see if there is a fit in journeying together? Send me a message and we can have that initial conversation at my cost.