How do I be smart about transfer of wealth?
There are families we know who want to leave a legacy behind for the next generation or their specific beneficiaries. This can be very useful for families who already have some reasonable amount of wealth and they want to be even smarter. However, this only applies for clients who want to leave behind a legacy with their extra money. Do you know you can be very smart about how you want to design the gifting to them by planning smart?
Use discounted dollars
For example, if you plan to leave $1mil behind for your beneficiaries, do you know that you do not need to park that $1mil in cash just lying in wait? Depending on your age and health, you just need to set aside as little as $200k as a lump sum (if you are younger). This figure that you need to set aside will increase with age, depending on when you start the plan. The earlier you start planning, the lesser you need to fork out and the smarter you become. Or if you pay it out over a period of time, it could even be as little as $2k a month to ensure that the same $1mil goes to your family. Every scenario is different so please have an initial chat with us before you look into the figures. No matter how you do the calculations, it will always be more cost effective than having to set aside that $1mil on your own.
Use the power of compounding effect and growth
Whilst the amount of money is being set aside, it will continue to compound over time as well. Depending on how you structure the plan, the wealth of that $200k will grow over time and you can have some access to it at a much later age. If you be very smart about it, it can have a very significant doubling effect as well.
Guaranteed event
One day, all of us will end up going to heaven, so that $1mil will go down to our beneficiaries. This is an unfortunate event that will happen in ALL our lives for sure. It is just a matter of whether it happens, earlier or later.
To sum up, insurance was designed by the wealthy, for the benefit of the wealthy, for them to continue to be wealthy. If you want to be smart about your wealth and finances, let us have an initial chat to be able to multiply your wealth from all angles!