Embracing volatility in investing
Given the recent years, it has been a volatile ride throughout the period from 2017 all the way till now in 2022. With the fresh start to 2022 with a volatile period, this is a stark reminder again that markets will go through volatility from time to time and it is part of any normal market cycle. Trying to predict markets in the short term will yield little fruition and even add on frustration. Focus instead, on our longer term goals and objectives, without trying to time the markets. Continuously add on to your investments over time and diversify globally to reduce our risks towards idiosyncratic risks which can never be predicted.
If a person had stayed invested and kept the course over the past 5 years, we can see that the markets only continue to grow and increase over time just by sheer patience. Speak with us and we can show you what the markets have resulted in a double digit growth over the past 5 years. Understanding how capital markets work helps us in our decision making for the longer term. We all know widely diversified portfolios will grow over time, as evidence based over almost a hundred years.
Going back in history
So we need to remember that over the past hundred years, our world has gone through depressions, world wars, financial and economic crisis, oil embargo and many unprecedented crisis. In some instances, the phrase, “This time, it is different.” comes up. The latest being the health crisis which almost caused the whole world to pause their lives. However, we have always emerged with a stronger returns of the equity markets due to innovation, stronger global demand and an ability for the human race to adapt and change for the better in all senses.
So let us remember why we are investing, sit tight, understand how capital markets work and embrace volatility to get to your goals in a smart way through proper diversification and asset allocation.
If there is someone whom you think will appreciate getting them to their goals in a way that reduces risks and increases wealth, without the need to speculate, we will be happy to have an initial chat with them.