Live rich, not die rich!
Some people are concerned about running out of money. There will be others who eventually will have more than enough money for themselves and end up leaving behind too much money.
For those who are retired or close to retirement, you want to reduce the outcome of either running out of money too early or constantly saving and leaving too much money and die rich.
What we do is to help with cashflow planning in your retirement so that you will end up living a rich life now and not die rich.
Maybe it is to take more holiday trips, maybe it is to help with kids in their own families, maybe it is to give more to charity, maybe it is for grandchildren’s education, maybe it is to drive the car for another 10yrs, maybe it is to have a live in helper to ease your routine work load to have a better lifestyle, maybe it is to take a sabattical to explore what is next, maybe it is to help a friend, maybe it is to start a business.
We try to understand what about the value of money that is most important to you in your life, so that you can be able to put that into the cashflow planning. This allows you to see when you might run out of money with Monte Carlo simulation. And if we can do that for you to live a better life and still have sufficient funds to leave behind, wouldn’t that be something that will be a better outcome for everyone?
Find out what is most important to you in your life in the value of money and we plan ahead with you..
Don’t you want to design your best life to live a rich life?