You can have something more than Elon Musk!
How is it possible to have more than Elon Musk?
Everyone would have thought that Elon Musk has “everything”.
I was speaking to my mentor some years ago, and he shared these wise words with me.
💡 “If you can’t be happy with $1mil, you will not be happy even if you have $5mil. And if are happy with $1mil, giving you another $5mil will not make much difference in your life.
Gratitude and faith is something that I am trying to constantly grapple with especially in the context of the work I do.
🎯 I talk about money and business to people all day long and I have also noticed that the very successful people in life, are those who are “hugely contented”! And they usually are those who do not have the most.
As the readings for today says, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
🧨 Such a powerful paragraph. Not too long ago, I was thinking about “upgrading” our home to a more “valuable” home (because my home is 99yrs), according to the excuse I gave myself. I still have lots more to grow in this aspect and I am still struggling to understand this. But this is a great reminder for me to stay grounded, to remain humble, to be contented at where I am. But to grow in my mindset, my purpose, my spirituality, to grow in my faith.
☀️ So the next time if you are thinking if you “want more”, ask what is the purpose.