What I wished I had re-learnt about investing earlier,…
Why do most investors, including myself (in the past) get below average returns?
Markets go in cycles constantly, going up and down and most of the time in a very unpredictable fashion.
🎢 In the past, when I was investing, I will say this. “Let me see the returns of the investments. If it is doing well, I will put more in. And if the investment is not doing well, I will sell it out. And after selling out, I will buy into something else that has done well previously. Some investors basically repeat this cycle until they go broke or give up on investing.” I was one of them.
💡 If you think about the above process, what a person is doing is buying more when the markets are high. And selling out when the markets are low. Does it make sense to keep buying high and selling low? ❌❌❌ Of course not! That is the picture of the average investor on the left.
I have shifted my mindset over time to the picture on the right..
🎯 Instead, what we are here to do is to focus on our plan, not to time the market because NO company or person can do so. So we would rather ride along the trend line of broad markets going upwards and keep investing and keep topping up until we have reached our goals. When markets are up, we keep adding to buy more so that we get closer to our goals. When markets are down, we buy more because discounts are available! And when we reach our goals, we can start to draw-down on our investments and provide an income stream for ourselves!
This takes a whole RE-wirement of our understanding towards investing and what the world tells us about chasing returns.
💡 Stop chasing returns. Go back to the fundamentals and keep our eye on your goals.