Reframing your investment perspective
Usually, when a person invests, they try to get the highest possible returns in the shortest possible time. And market timing and stock selection seems to be the way to go – well, that is at least how the whole investment industry is wired to get people to take action regularly to trade in order to. But is that really the right way to go about investing?
The Process
The focus on the news is to sell and cause people to trade. Even the news on CNBC which shows an economist speaking on TV everyday is to cause emotional movements within your body to think about buying or selling. The typical process starts with product (usually a stock), then it goes to what is the time frame for an overconcentration risk, over the next 3-6 months and then finally, you see how that fits into your overall plan. This causes emotions of greed and fear which usually derails us from our financial plans (if you have a written one in the first place).
We reframe it by starting with the reason “Why do you need to invest in the first place? What are you actually trying to achieve?”. Through conversations with people we meet, many of them are not even clear why they want to invest. They just want to find something that gives them better than the banks. What is the purpose of the grand scheme of things and we help you structure it into a written financial plan for you? With that, we look into what time frame each objective carries along together with it. Some may be 3-5 years. Some could be 10 years and others could be above 15 years and longer. Next, we build a CORETM portfolio together that comprises an appropriate mix of bonds and equities (according to your time frame) widely diversified across the world with more than 10,000 companies to minimize risks and increase the highest chance of achieving your goals.
Discipline and the evidence
With the daily movements of the markets and attractiveness of trying to get outsized returns, it can be very hard to stay disciplined. Imagine this, you are driving and you see the other lane go faster than your current one. You probably will be tempted to switch lanes. You might go faster for a while but may come to a roadblock where the original lane now goes faster. Once again, you feel the need to justify the need to switch again. The process of switching lanes causes the higher chance of an accident which is what we want to avoid. In a car accident, the worst is you lose the car. In an investment accident, you could lose your lifetime of savings. This whole process goes on very often in our personal investment world, as there will be the next shiny object that will make us cause us to change our investment strategies when a fellow neighbour or colleague gives you a tip on the next big thing.
Instead, what we focus on is evidence of the history of markets, how markets work, culminating to almost hundred years, with the science of investing with Nobel prize winners on investing strategies, back by research and what the data tell us. And what we do is diversify across ten thousands of companies, tilting it everyday to the areas of evidence of what makes sense. If you would like to know the evidence, we will be happy to share with you.
It takes deep education, deep conviction and lots of effort with many rounds of trying to understand how to apply these principles in practical steps. My biggest takeaway is that I do not need to know how to time the market or stock in order to have a successful investment experience.
Human behaviour is our stumbling block
And the next part is the most difficult to do, which is to stay invested, according to our risk profile and stick to the discipline, even when it becomes very volatile and emotional along the ride because there will be expected uncertainties (like Tech bubble, Lehmann Bros and covid 19 just to name a few) in the years of investing. The best way is to focus on your financial plan and what does it say and work with an expert to hand hold you through. But do note that the human behaviour is the biggest downfall for most investors as temptation will set in.
At the end of the day, what we want for you is to sleep well at night, keep to a discipline to allow your portfolio to capture the full market returns and give you the best chances in your wealth building plan without the need to speculate or time the markets.