The process of Growth
When I was a young man in my 20s, I wanted to be successful. I was told to read “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, written by Robert Kiyosaki. I read it back then and never fully understood what it meant to my life until today, when I had a clear revelation…
What I picked up from the book was that I had to go from employee to being a self employed, which allowed the growth of wealth to manifest. The next level of growth was a be an investor and then to eventually build businesses.
I took the first baby step of faith to step out of my comfort zone, from getting a standard regular paycheck every month to starting my career in insurance back in 2005. And yes, indeed, it got me to the next level of growth as an individual and my finances. But it only got me to a certain level of growth.
The next step was to be an investor. Well, I was investing in a very haphazard way, trying to make a quick buck in a very short period of time (like how most people want it). I had my hits and misses but all it took was one wrong investment and that would have brought me back to where I first started off. Timing the market was another big mistake I learnt along the way. I always thought I was able to be smarter than the market and most people, since I worked in the industry and I studied my life for this. But I was WRONG…
And I thought, there must be a better strategy than what I am doing that is less speculative and less emotional. That was when I really did my research and wanted to find a way to get me to my BIG goals in life like retirement where I needed to invest reliably, sustainably in a simplified way, yet getting me the highest chance of reaching my personal goals, with the least amount of risk. That was epiphany for me sometime in 2018 when I started to build deep education, which led to deep conviction and also led to growing wealth with a “different way of thinking”.
It was hard at first, because I will go back to my old ways of investing like stock or sector or country picking. Or trying to time the market to game the system. It did not help that the financial news sells based on this approach which you can read about everyday. But shifting to becoming an educated investor allowed me to grow wealth reasonably.
But the biggest shift of trajectory happened when I know I am a business owner of the biggest, brightest and best, most profitable companies all across the world, without the need to time the company or market but to be patient as a value investor and tilt it towards the areas of higher expected returns based on almost a hundred years of evidence.
Can you imagine being a business owner to run great companies with small effort on your part, have lots of free time because you do not need to manage on a daily basis, be able to reap the profits of these companies, with hardly any risks and capturing big growth over decades? Doesn’t this make sense to you?
So I moved from being an employee, to being a self-employed, to being an investor. And today, we are building businesses within my own set of business with our salaried staff funded by me (which allows me to be more strategic – this shall be sharing for another day), and also outside my CORE business as a way to diversify and to capture growth all around as well as a business owner.
Now, our passion is all about contributing back to you and influencing you to make better decisions for yourself based on what you want to achieve. Everyone has different dreams and we respect that. Start off by writing down what is the dream you would like to see for yourself in future.
If you would like to see how you could jump to being an educated business owner and be smart about how you manage your wealth and your life experiences, whilst saving you time to prevent the costly mistakes made, I will be happy to have an initial chat with no obligations at my cost.