1+1 = 3 (Only we can do that!)
We all know the formula of “1+1 = 2”. And that is correct mathematically.
But in financial planning, we can have “1+1 = 3”! How is that even possible?
To begin with, in financial planning, there are many strategies we can adopt to be creative in the way we reallocate assets to be smart about it and give yourself and your family a peace of mind to be able to sleep well at night. The above is just one of the many ways we can do it for the families we work with.
It starts with a conversation of what is most important to you, because getting to know you and your dreams and goals are most important to us, to be able to find a solution for you. All families are different and these concepts do not apply to everybody. It only applies for the right types of persons at the right time, with the right priorities.
Intention and goal
We were having a conversation with a family recently and their children have just started working and most of their large financial obligations are over. They started to ask, what can they do better with the wealth that they have accumulated over the years. They know in their mind, that they want to live well in retirement. At the same time, they want to be able to leave a legacy for their children as a token for them to be remembered by.
Current resources
They had a specific bank account of $1mil in cash that was earmarked for their children to be left behind as an inheritance. This was also a backup resource in case they ran out of money many many years down the road. So they do not plan to touch this money as they want it to be protected.
Smart strategies
If that was their intention, I told them that they could reposition half of it out so that when they are not around, there will be a guaranteed $1mil given to the children, on the very next day. With the other half of it, they could either spend more for themselves during their retirement or they could invest it and grow it even further if they do not intend to use it anyway. And if they reach a very very ripe old age and they are still around and might have run out money, they can utilize these money repositioned which would have grown much more than the bank account as well.
And that is how we can have “1+1 = 3”!
The catch
Like I mentioned before, this idea is not for everyone. These smart strategies are generally designed by the wealthy, for the wealthy and for the families to continue to be wealthy. And a person must be generally in good health for this to work.
Enhanced strategy
Rather than just giving this out to the children as a lump sum, you can have this to be a “Family Bank” for the on going needs of the children and even grandchildren when help might be needed. And once again, these assets can continue to have the chance to grow well progressively through proper financial planning. In such scenarios, it could be “1+1=4”!
If you would like to find out more and explore how this can help, we will be happy to have an initial chat to see if there is a fit.